Another E3 approaches, and Microsoft is preparing for one of their biggest shows yet. E3, for those not in the know, stands for the Electronic Entertainment Expo, and is one of the largest video game conventions in the world. Every year, the big game console manufacturers of the current generation – Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony – hold grand and explosive media events to hype up their future plans on their respective game systems. This year is the year of motion control, and Microsoft hopes to impress with their controller-less video capture device known as Project Natal. The question on everyone’s mind, however, is what will it take for Microsoft to amaze the media and those fans watching their press conference at home? Let’s take a look at what we know to date about their plans at this year’s show.
As mentioned earlier, Microsoft has made it pretty clear to the press thus far that Project Natal is going to be a major priority for Xbox 360’s showing at E3. The only problem is that we have absolutely no idea what games to expect to support the peripheral! Many traditional gamers and gaming media expect Natal, like the Wii’s motion controls, to attract a bevy of childish and uninspired motion controlled additions to both existing franchises and casual cash-ins. Nevertheless, there remains some hope for the new device. Microsoft has already shown promising demos at E3 2009 showcasing the type of immersive interaction Natal can bring to games – allowing for intelligent game characters to recognize players and hold dynamic conversation. Microsoft’s Lionhead Studios had such a demo, and plans to incorporate Natal functionality in their upcoming game Fable III. Other large game studios like Square Enix known for their grand Final Fantasy series, sports game giant Electronic Arts, and role-playing behemoth Bethesda, have all began deep experimentation and development on Natal-based games. As cool as the possibilities of Natal are, however, Microsoft still has to fulfill the needs of their core fanbase with a few surprises.

Next big step in motion gaming? Maybe...
With big name Xbox-exclusive games like Gears of War III, Fable III, and Halo: Reach already shown, Microsoft will have to come out and announce a couple more interesting newsworthy tidbits in order to capture the hearts of the media this E3. Rumored to make a presence at Microsoft’s media briefing is a slimmer, lighter, and quieter version of the Xbox 360 that will supposedly be sold alongside Project Natal and priced at a little under two-hundred dollars. Other interesting “insider” rumors point to a new Forza Motorsport game, and the sought after remake of GoldenEye. Of course, this should all be taken with a grain of salt; there is always a possibility Microsoft has a more interesting presentation to impress upon their fans.
Undoubtedly, Microsoft, out of the big three console makers, has the most to prove and the most to lose at this E3. As is often the case, success at E3 is measured with hype and excitement for new product, and if Microsoft cannot create substantial anticipation for Project Natal and games like Halo and Gears of War, Sony and Nintendo will have an opportunity to swoop in and steal their thunder. Since Microsoft’s media conference is first to go, if they can hook in a part of Nintendo’s casual audience while also catering to their established “hardcore” market, however, Microsoft could steal the show before the other guys even have a chance.
Look for my take on Nintendo’s and Sony’s E3 presence in the coming weeks.
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